| Assessment and Treatment

Speech Therapy >


Assessment and Treatment


Speech therapists conduct language and swallowing assessment for students, and provide therapy sessions with specifically designed treatment goals. They also collaborate with teachers and other professionals to incorporate treatment goals in the school curriculum, including: training on Chinese oral skills, communication skills in vocational training, radio broadcast, extra-curricular activities and lunch time oral motor skills training. Speech therapists also take part in whole-school activities to enhance students’ expressive language abilities, including: Campus TV program, tuck shop service, story-telling competition and speech festival, etc.

Furthermore, speech therapists also collaborate with Chinese and English teachers to provide students with specific oral language training for the Chinese and English Oral Examinations of DSE, and to submit reports to the Examination Authority suggesting special arrangements during oral examinations for those students in need.


Treatment Approaches

Individual therapy, group therapy and in-class training.


Treatment Aspects

Oral motor training, chewing and swallowing training, auditory training, receptive and expressive language training, articulation training, social communication skills training, voice training, fluency training, and use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).














 Our school is the first special school for the physical handicap providing VitalStimTM therapy to improve swallowing ability of students.




Use of E-stim to relax spasm and stimulate active contractions of facial muscles










Speech therapists help nonverbal students choose appropriate augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to enhance their expressive skills.













Use of talktoolsTM to provide oral motor training




















To enhance social communication skills with peers and in the community

 through social group training.




In-class speech therapy training

Vocational communication skills training




Campus TV Program


Dubbing Competition