| Adapted Curricula

Curricula >


About Primary and Secondary school's adapted curricula

According to different learning abilities and learning needs, our school has designed multi-faceted curricula. These include the ordinary primary and secondary school curricula and special curricula for students being less intellectual or with multiple learning difficulties.
Under the collaborative approach of multi-disciplinary teams, our school has designed “Individual Learning Plan” (ILP) for every student. Teachers, therapists and other profession members join together to discuss about every student’s learning capabilities to set their long and short term goals and to plan effective teaching and treatment methods. These teams review the plan regularly and during the process, they will seek parents and students’ consultation. All is done to maximize the benefits students get out of learning and treatment; thus, helping them to develop to their full extent.

Our Mission

  • Students are confident and capable to live independently.
  • Students have general academic knowledge, skills and good manners to lay a strong foundation for post graduate education or employment.
  • Discover students' extra-curricular potentials to let them develop to their full potential.
  • Students are able to use assistive devices and computer software to maximize their communication, mobility and work potentials.


Target Group

Students with multiple learning difficulties, such as being less intellectual, have visual perception problems, poor motor coordination, non-verbal learning disorder, etc., which caused them to have great difficulties to follow the ordinary curricula.


Curricula's Principle

  • Under the principle of one curriculum framework for all, all subjects uses the ordinary curricula as the base fundamentals and are adapted according to students’ abilities to comply with the needs of the students.
  • The curricula are constructed based on students' prior knowledge and are extended onwards.
  • Students are being taught according to their aptitude. The curricula have great flexibility and diversity.
  • There needs to be a balance between the curriculum's breadth and depth so as to accommodate different student's capabilities.
  • In addition to theoretical knowledge, these curricula also consider its practicability for students to apply in their daily life.
  • Students hold positive values and have an optimistic personality.


About each subject:






According to students’ needs, interests and abilities, school-based Chinese under the principle of one curriculum framework for all, adapts teaching material from the mainstream curriculum. In addition to focusing on attaining academic knowledge, we also aim to strengthen the use of Chinese in their daily life to arouse their learning interest and thus, put into application. Teachers will also take students' capabilities into account to adapt the curriculum’s depth and breadth. Teaching aids will also be used to help students learn more effectively.

The ultimate goal of the Chinese curriculum is hoping students would learn joyfully and meet students' future needs in life, education or employment.

  • Elementary Education Stage (Primary and Junior Secondary)
  • Balance students’ literacy abilities, enhance language knowledge and general knowledge of life.
  •  Nurture students' cogitation, communication, collaboration, and capability to do self-learning in language.
  • Nurture aesthetics interests; triggering creativity, enhance cultural factors and moral to strengthen the sense of community's responsibility.
  • Nurture an active and positive learning attitude to develop positive values.
  • Senior Secondary Education Stage
    • Enhance literacy and strengthen practical language training.
    • Nurture independent thinking, criticizing, and creating abilities.
    • Nurture aesthetics interests; enhance morality and understand individual's capabilities and aptitudes to plan for future's learning, life, and career. Strengthen the sense of family, community, and national's responsibility.
    • Develop a studious and active attitude and positive values to broaden international horizons.
  • Students develop their English Language proficiency.
  • Students develop their knowledge, skills, values and attitudes as a holistic process, in a way that is suitable to their abilities and needs.
  • Students get exposure to cultures of English-speaking countries.
  • develop their English Language proficiency;
  • Develop students' interest in studying Mathematics and construct a positive learning attitude.
  • In terms of knowledge and skills, students can use numbers, symbols, and other mathematics equipment.  Develop number sense, symbol sense, spatial sense, measurement sense and have the ability to assess structures and laws. 
  • Students can appreciate Mathematics through the perspectives of arts and culture.
  • Develop students' generic skills, such as critical thinking, communication, creativity, brainstorming, exploring, and Mathematical reasoning abilities.
  • Can apply the acquired Mathematics knowledge and skills in to their daily lives.



Learning and teaching strategies



According to students' learning differences, teachers has the following learning and teaching strategies:

  • Cater to students' diversity, including their interest, ability, learning style, and experience.
  • Provide suitable equipment and learning tools for students to enhance their learning effectiveness.
  • Provide a wide range of teaching activities, including cooperative learning in groups, projects, cross-curricular activities, etc. to enhance students' interest in learning.
  • Grasp students’ prior knowledge and through literacy training to promote students' understanding and ability to express.
  • Senior Secondary strengthens self-study in language. We focus on inquiry-oriented teaching to enhance students’ study skills and generic skills, such as communication, creativity, and critical.
  • Design different learning activities to explore and develop students' multiple intelligences.
  • According to students’ abilities and special needs, we adjust the course workload.
  • Adjust the difficulty of the learning activities and tasks to meet students' learning stage, learning objectives, abilities, special needs, and life experiences.  
  • This curriculum is adapted from the EDB Curriculum Guide. More focus would be given to the interpersonal and experience strands throughout the learning process. In order to cater for learner diversity and the needs of learners with different learning styles, different learning tasks and activities are designed, also teaching strategies that suit the specific needs of both less able learners and more able learners are employed.
    Task-based approach is used because it can let students acquire language skills and relevant subject knowledge with purpose and in context. By using different teaching materials, including textbooks, tailor-made notes, multi-media materials and online resources, students can receive multi-sensory stimulations so as to enrich their learning experience.
  • Curriculum Structure
  • Under one curriculum framework for all, the teaching contents of adapted curricula and ordinary curricula are of no differences. But the level of difficulty is adjusted; teachers will modify the curricula according to the students' abilities. This is done to enhance students' self-confidence in learning. In addition, a school-based enrichment program has been created to make mathematics more enjoyable to the students. Also, this program let them experience how mathematics and their daily lives are closely related.

  • Class Teachings
  • To arouse students' interest in learning, teachers will adopt different teaching methods, such as discussion, exploration, discovery, application, problem solving, computational techniques and practices to make things easier for students to understand and to consolidate what they have learned.

  • Catering for learning diversity
  • Since students have different cognitive development, learning abilities, interests and backgrounds, teachers individualized each student's teaching. First, we would identify what concepts and skills the student failed to grasp. Then, we design suitable teaching materials and exercises for students to aid their learning. If the learning diversity in a class is relatively significant, teachers will do grouped teaching; the learning content is either also different, or a different level of difficulty is used to meet students' abilities and interests.





  • Formative assessment: Measures student's learning progress. The information obtained is used for planning future learning and teaching activities. Assessment method is not limited to written tests, but also through asking questions in the classroom, class discussion, language exercises, projects and homework.
  • Summative assessment: After a period of learning time, we need to summarize how much the students have learnt. It is mainly achieved through tests and examination to observe students learning outcome.
  • Both formative assessment and summative assessment are used to serve as tools of providing information about learners’ progress and achievements, thereby helping learners, teachers and parents understand learners' strengths and weaknesses. Formative assessments may include quizzes and tests, dictations, situational performance, presentations and so forth. Summative assessment is carried out once per term, in the form of an examination.
  • Teachers assess students learning progress through classroom observation, discussion, class performance, homework, projects, tests, and examinations. Moreover, since we also emphasize on students' ability to apply their knowledge and skills, so teachers will do assessment through practical activities. After various assessments, teachers will make appropriate feedbacks and appreciations to the students to enhance their learning.



Other Strategie

  • Cater for individual differences.
  • Implementation of cross-disciplinary approach to enhance students' learning effectiveness.
  • Select teaching materials that meets students' age and psychological needs;
  • Make good use of multi-media to promote learning and teaching.
  • Provide a diversity of learning activities to enrich students' learning experiences and to enhance their self-confidence.
  • Develop students' generic skills to nurture their potentials.
  • Include practical elements into the teaching materials to enhance students' future ability to adapt to life and work.