| 職業治療

復康治療 >


簡 介

職業治療團隊( 包括7位職業治療師、2位半職職業治療師及7位職業治療助理 )運用各式各樣具治療效用的活動及輔助科技,讓學生在學校、家中及社會環境上達致最高的獨立及適應能<力。


The Occupational Therapy Team (comprises 7 Occupational Therapists, 2 Part-time Occupational Therapists and 7 Occupational Therapy Assistants) maximizes the level of independence of the Therapists and 7 Occupational Therapy Assistants) maximizes the level of independence of the students in school, at home and in the community with therapeutic activities and assistive students in students in school,at home and in the community with therapeutic activities and assistive technologies.



Modes of Service